5 Reasons why Uber is Better than Taxi or Spycar

Omar Galardo

Introduction Uber is a technology company that provides transportation services. It offers many services and features that are not available in traditional taxi or spycar services. Uber gives you the option to choose your driver, so you can feel comfortable regardless of the driver’s gender, age or race. With Uber, […]

How Ride Sharing Might Work In The Future

Omar Galardo

Introduction Ride sharing is a hot topic, and at least in theory it’s the future of transportation. We’ve all heard about Uber and Lyft, but as these companies continue to grow, we’re going to see more interesting innovations in this space. In this article we’ll discuss why ride sharing is […]

Ride Share Service Model

Omar Galardo

Introduction Ride sharing is a type of transportation service, where a traveler arranges to be transported by multiple parties. The traveler arranges the journey via some kind of technology platform. Typically, this involves uploading their location and indicating the desired destination, then receiving a quote for the journey and paying […]